Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Winter Get Away.

NOTE: Read And Agree To Blog Rules Before Particpating On Bucks Blog. (See First Post).

I was going along just fine when it hit.
It hit my wife first, and then moved on to my son and his wife.
I fought it, but I was no match. The Winter Get Away Bug had bitten, and it had a good hold on my family. I then started getting swept up in all the excitement of the impromptu planning of a short and rapidly approaching departure to a southern point on the U.S. East Coast known as the Sunshine State, Florida.
Adding even more allure to the prospect of warm summer breezes and bright sunny days was the knowledge that friends from up Boston way, as were we, would be heading down south to meet up with some Floridian friends who would travel some hours to rendezvous with us in Orlando, Florida for Valentines Day 2009.

This did come to pass, but the day and evening prior, were spent eating, drinking, and lounging by the pool with family and friends, with a perfect ending to the day enjoying a delicious meal at the Orlando Peabody Hotel Steak House, compliments of my son and his wife. Thank you!
The crew hit some bars, restaurants, and a place called Universal City Walk, http://www.universalorlando.com/citywalk.html, for some good laughs, and late night cocktails at the Hard Rock CafĂ©. Our short get away to the warm southern weather would end off with an evening out dining at a Greek restaurant where the energy level, and beverage consumption, left us laughing, singing, and dancing on table tops until near closing time. The wife and I are now home after a quick four nights of winter get away, while the others, family and friends, are still are still enjoying the southern summer like weather of the Sun Shine State. The memories, pictures, and laughs of this 2009 winter get away will lend itself to stories for years to come. Like how one of our group could have gotten arrested at Universal City Walk, but that’s a story for another time.
Best Regards,

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